Let the Thornhill Employment Hub be the first step in your quest for recruiting new employees. We can assist you in matching the great candidate with your organization, so they fit in with your corporate culture. We also provide information on accessing many of the government sponsored incentives for employers.
We provide at no cost to you:​
A dedicated team to assist you with your search for the candidate and suggest resources
A pool of qualified and motivated job ready candidates in York Region
Collaboration on hiring event and job fairs to generate new candidates and conduct interviews
Advertising of job postings on our website, Job Board
Qualified and motivated job ready candidates in one location
Access to programs, incentives and service available through Employment Ontario, which include: Business Incentive Agreement, Canada Ontario Job Grant (COJG), and Apprenticeship Program
Suggestions to resources in the community and online, specifically right now we sharing with you some great free online courses your staff
Have a look at feedback from our clients!